7 things about communities you should consider

Communities. The holy grail of every entrepreneur out there. Why? Let’s see. 👇

  1. You cannot rely on your marketing team only. They are good at what they do. But if you have a community working for you well you are cutting down costs whilst fostering trust, thus brand loyalty and the willingness of other members to join. Almost for free. That’s it.
  2. However, it isn’t all roses. It requires focus, DISCIPLINE, perseverance, time, and money, and there is no guarantee of success.
  3. Nevertheless, in today’s attention economy, that’s how you can win attention.
  4. Actually, not only attention. Or the “right” attention. Something experts like David Aaker call “Strategic Awareness” (i.e., being remembered for the right reasons). It is about developing understanding.
  5. The thing is that when you develop understanding, you are nurturing your natural urge to teach others. We are all natural-born teachers.
  6. However, it is not just a matter of spreading the word around. It is telling others you are happy. That is a good signal for new members to join.
  7. Reason number seven. Reciprocity. In quality communities, members help each other. This is something researchers refer to as social capital. Which is a key ingredient for a successful community.

If you want to find out more, like how to build a loyal community, just have a look at People Powered by the community building expert Jono Bacon.

Worth the time. (Disclaimer: it is not an affiliate programme. Just the joy to share something useful).