Fine line

Every time I resolve to write more consistently, a whirlwind of demands from my numerous roles tears me in every direction. This constant disruption tests my discipline, often due to hasty planning and poor time management. The urgency of last-minute reviews, the relentless revisiting of papers, the commencement of fresh writing projects, and the perpetual supervision of an unpredictable book project – these, in addition to my duties of lecturing, curating course materials, mentoring students, collaborating with partners, enduring lengthy meetings, juggling multiple projects, grading, and relentlessly pursuing results – paint a vivid and turbulent picture of an academic’s reality.

In moments like these, I confront a stark realization: the assumption that an academic’s life is serene is grievously misinformed. In response to this exigency, echoing my grandmother’s wisdom, I’ve unearthed a semblance of consistency within the realm of my passions. Entrepreneurial marketing and writing serve as my anchors amidst the chaos.

When I masterfully intertwine these two pursuits, it’s an occasion for jubilation. A recent milestone was crafting a review of the latest tome penned by luminaries such as Philip Kotler, Hermawan Kartajaya, Hooi Den Huan, and Jacky Mussry. This critique, featured in the latest edition of Catalyst, the esteemed magazine of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, unveiled a captivating perspective.

My review for Catalyst.

These distinguished authors assert that our contemporary world’s intricacies and ambiguities render conventional tools, logic, models, and processes inadequate for business leaders.

Instead, they advocate for marketing professionals to embrace an entrepreneurial mindset, rekindling creativity, nurturing authentic connections, and revolutionizing business models. This mindset empowers them to spot opportunities, take calculated risks, and engage in fruitful collaborations. I wholeheartedly concur with their viewpoint, as it resonates deeply with my daily professional pursuits.

My imminent modules on entrepreneurial marketing, tailored for students pursuing both a BA in Enterprise and Entrepreneurship and an MSc in International Entrepreneurship, embark on a promising journey next week. Let’s remain optimistic that this marks the inception of an enriching expedition.

Ad maiora.

P.S. I can’t forget to mention that I’ll also be contributing to a module on nurturing an entrepreneurial mindset. It’s all interconnected, as I’ve discovered.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash